AG has crafted a joy-sparking Peace & Love Revival show that is part Haight-Ashbury/Laurel Canyon sound warehouse party, mixed with RenFair immersive experiences (Go-Go dancers with neon props), shaken with "Rocky Horror Picture Show" style audience participation frivolity (on "American Pie"), with club-Coachella, mini-Festival elements tossed in (psychedelic light show, tarot card reader, body painter, local artist art show, bubbles, etc.). IT'S MORE THAN A BAND OR TRIBUTE - IT'S AN EXPERIENCE!
AG has played for eclectic crowds at many LA/Hollywood
haunts including KLOS 95.5 FM radio "Breakfast with the Beatles" show, The HopCourage Craft Beer Festival at the LA Coliseum, The 9th Annual EarthFest LA, The Roxy, The Viper Room, Whisky a Go-Go, The "Green Oasis" Private Event at Coachella 2016, Ritual Brewery, and even dropped some surprise shows at the Loch Ness Monster Pub in Old Town Pasadena (now the Old Town Pub). Clubs, private parties, Festivals, car shows, zombie apocalypse, etc. Headliner or grooving opener, like a fine pint of ale, Acoustic Generation crafts a great show for all. Crowds sing along and best of all - keep buying rounds for their friends.